student dress code policy 2020-2021

Tanglewood Elementary Dress Code Policy 

General Expectation: The purpose of the dress code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming, as well as developing good habits that will lead to “dressing for success” in college and career.  Students shall maintain a clean, orderly appearance at all times.  Personal appearance shall not disrupt the educational process. 


  • Any TWES T-shirt, club shirt, or award shirt is allowed.
  • Tops may have a logo no larger than a half dollar.
  • Tops must fit loosely enough that all buttons can be closed.
  • Transparent or see-through tops, tops that bare midriff, strapless, spaghetti strap, low-cut clothing or tops, halters, backless, tube tops, muscle shirts, or any clothing which may be distracting are prohibited.
  • Tops may not have rips, tears, or holes.


  • Pullover sweatshirts and jackets are not allowed.All sweatshirts must have a zippered or buttoned front which is left open.


  • Tennis shoes must be worn at PE. Closed toe shoes are required daily.Wheeled shoes, high heeled shoes, flip flops, bedroom slippers or shoes without a heel strap are not allowed.


  • Pants, capris, and jeans must not have rips, tears, or holes.
  • Shorts or skorts – must be fingertip length
  • Leggings are acceptable if worn under a dress or skirt or with an appropriate length top which goes to the mid-thigh area.


  • Minimum length is fingertip or just above the knee. No slits above the knee.(Shorts under skirts are preferred)
  • Strapless, spaghetti strap, low-cut, halter, or backless dresses are not allowed.


  • Belts are not required; however, pants must be worn at the waist or use a belt.

 Face Coverings

  • Face Coverings will be required in the Face-to-Face model of instruction.Face Coverings will adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, which states: “Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges or symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other illegal activity are prohibited.”

    Hair, Head Wear, and Makeup

  • Hair coloring or style that may cause a substantial disruption to the educational environment, as determined by the principal, is prohibited.
  • Bandanas, scarves and hats are not allowed with the exception of hats for outdoor activities.
  • Makeup and acrylic fingernails are not permissible.